Last Friday, at Penrith City Library, we officially launched Camp Max! It was a great event (if I might say so myself) and we had a stack of fun. The launch began with Larinda from the Library team introducing me and my new book. Apparently Penrith Library is celebrating 70 years, so it was awesome to hold my launch there. The team were SUPER helpful and I was really grateful of their support and enthusiasm. (If you weren't able to come to the launch but would love to read Camp Max, there are several copies in circulation in the library now, so read away!) I think my favourite thing about this launch, which is also my favourite thing about my writing in general, was being able to share the book with children. It was wonderful to be able to chat with the kids about how it felt to be desperately looking forward to something (as Tania does in Camp Max) and then not be sure if it would actually happen. I was also able to share some of my photos from living overseas with the kids and help them imagine what it might be like to live in a one room house, or not have running water. We then opened a huge box of books and had a drum roll before pulling out Camp Max for everyone to see. I read the first chapter - though I think the kids would have let me keep reading - and then moved onto some Camp Max activities: a photo booth, colouring in, a hat toss, lolly competition, caricature drawing and visitor's book. The kids were kept busy for the whole time and I even had the opportunity to sign some books. Book launches like this can't happen without a team of helpers! Author friend, Debra Tidball generously gave her time to man the bookstall. My mum helped supervise the very popular lolly competition. My three kids helped out too, as did some of their friends (thanks SO much Tori and Brittany!). From here the Camp Max Book Launch Tour begins in earnest! We're headed to Thomas Hassall Anglican School next, and then Cedars Christian College and Illawarra Christian School. There are still a few dates available for the Tour, so if your school or group would like to join in the fun, please get in touch! Camp Max can be purchased here (if you'd like a signed copy), or here (Wombat Books do great postage deals) or here (you can get Camp Max for Kindle at Amazon).
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The Penny DropsIn high school I used to write what I'd call 'thinks' - little bits of writing about whatever topic or issue I was mulling over at the time. I still write these little pieces. Categories
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